PTC John Ness Memorial Education Grant


Productivity Training Center (PTC), teaches dental technician courses that use proven learning systems to help new and existing technicians quickly improve their technical ability. These courses are unique as technicians not only increase their productivity and quality of work, but they also leave with reference materials and tools to reinforce what they have learned.

Grant Overview

Recognizing the need for increased accessibility to fundamental education in dental laboratory technology, PTC and the Foundation for Dental Laboratory Technology have partnered to bring you The PTC John Ness Memorial Education Grant.

The PTC John Ness Memorial Education Grant will award two recipients a PTC Ness Academy Hands on Course at no charge. The charge for such a course would typically retail for $3,000; however, due to the generosity of PTC, the recipient of this grant will have their tuition fee waived. All course information and dates can be found by clicking here.


  • Sitting members of the NADL Board, NBC Trust, or FDLT Trust are not eligible as individuals to apply for or win grants/scholarships offered through the Foundation.
  • PTC John Ness Memorial Education Grant winners will not be eligible to receive this grant two years in a row.
  • Two winners will be selected from the pool of eligible applicants to attend one of the PTC Ness Academy Hands on Courses.
  • Courses must be taken during scheduled PTC dates at PTC headquarters.
  • The recipients will be responsible for their own travel and accommodations.
  • The PTC John Ness Memorial Education Grant winners must provide models for all courses and frameworks for ceramic courses (six-unit anterior and four-unit posterior).
  • The PTC John Ness Memorial Education Grant winners will be required to provide the Foundation with a testimonial (web video submission or typed submission on letterhead paper) about receiving the grant, attending the course and how this experience will positively impact his/her DLT career, prior to funds being released.
  • No cash will be provided to the grant recipient. If the recipient fails to use the grant, or cannot make their scheduled course date, they will forfeit their grant.
The deadline to submit an application is April 15th. Recipients have one year after being awarded to utilize the grant. No extensions will be given.


Apply Online Here


Download Application Here


2024 Awardees

  • Christopher Hernandez- Saint Charles, MO
  • Olufemi Olubodun- Ishaka Sango, Nigeria

Application Criteria

Completed application must include:
  • A completed PTC John Ness Memorial Education Grant application form
  • A typed letter of interest that fully answers each of the 3 questions asked in the application
  • Signed Application Affidavit
  • All of the above must be submitted to the Foundation office by April 15

Grant Application Deadline

Applications are due on April 15.

The Foundation for Dental Laboratory Technology

Attn: Lindsey Rowan
325 John Knox Rd #L103
Tallahassee, FL 32303
Fax: (850) 222-0053

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